Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are you maximizing your Acrobat software?

You don't have to be a techie to understand this post despite my getting a bit too professorial and technical at times. This is about software you likely already own but may be unaware of its hidden potential. That application is Adobe Acrobat.

Since I've made the move to CS5 which includes the updated version of Acrobat Professional, it has taught me just how wonderful I had it using CS3 with Acrobat 8 Professional. Is Acrobat 9 & 10 that much better? Not really. It was only until CS5 did I started to appreciate the feature rich set of tools that Acrobat has. I had most of those features as far back as CS3 and didn't even know it.

One of the best things about Adobe's Creative Suite is how well integrated each application is. But now that I've begun to experiment and develop more with Acrobat Professional I can appreciate that integration even more. With Acrobat Professional I've recently created interactive slideshows, embedded video links into documents, designed live interactive invoices and order forms, added multiple layers using forms and fields for print control etc etc. It is simply incredible what Acrobat can do relative to other applications. So while most people are simply using PDF's as their standard professional document distribution format, I'm digging even deeper into Acrobats more hidden gems; using it as a traceable distribution means for surveys and as a marketing feedback mechanism. Can Acrobat Pro do that? Yes it can. You can distribute your documents, gather, organize and document your metrics all with the most advanced document development tools on the planet.

Time permitting I'll bring some examples to the blog.

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