Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Consumer Psychology and Advertising

How effective has advertising been on you? If you don't believe your being influenced simply look around as you go about your day. Look at billboards, product labels, banners, signs, web pages, television commercials. It's literally everywhere and it is so pervasive that we discount it as a type of visual background noise that we sub-consciously block out. Or do we?

Despite what you may think you're absorbing it all; yet, the brain simply discounts those things that it doesn't find relevant and move those other things that interests us into the forefront. Everyday of your life your mind is being conditioned both consciously and subconsciously. Many of our influences we are not even aware of. Advertisers know this and through intense marketing studies, trial and error, analytics, surveys, etc. they're all trying to find the right combination of visual and audio tidbits that peak your interest and spur you to action. It is such a deep and analytical process that a branch of psychology known as consumer psychology exist to study all the things that makes us stop and look and ultimately shop. 

So the next time you see an ad and experience an unusual sense of deja vu, it's working on you. But the most pervasive, and the most effective advertising permeates our every day life with such clever placement that you're buying without even knowing why that particular product is your first choice. Perhaps you saw it on a billboard, a flyer, in a pamphlet or remember the color combination. When the effectiveness plateaus, marketers hope you're in a position where you're ready to purchase and the most basic elements of marketing comes full circle... Product, Promotion, Price and Place. 

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